Purchase Oredr Form

Please fill out the form of Purchase Order below and send it.

If you order our products, please fill out the form below.

首页 / 咨询 / Purchase Order


This is the form for Purchase Order.
Please fill out the form below in English or Japanese.
You need to fill out * items.
( We only accept BtoB (not personal) trading. )

Inquiry 咨询邮件文本框 Estimate 报价邮件文本框 Order 订货表

If you can not send your message by using this Email form below, please send it by your Email software with the next Email address.
E-mail address
Purchase Order
Company name *
Your name *
E-mail *
Please confirm your typing.
Your Country name *
Detail Address(1)
of your company *

ex) 4-13-6 Nakarokugo Ohta-ku Tokyo
Detail Address(2)
for Delivery *

ex) 1-1-1 Omori Ohta-ku Tokyo
Phone number *
Please write from your country number.
FAX number
Please write from your country number.
Title Purchase Order
Your Order No.
Our Estimate No.
Details *
Please write the type ID of ceramic screw, Amount and Delivery Time in this box. [陶瓷螺丝s ID]
Please answer these questions below. You must answer for all of questions.

Q1. What kind of category is your business? *

Q2. What kind of products do you make by using KDA ceramic screws? *

Q3. What country or enterprise do you deliver KDA ceramic screws to? *

Q4. Do you use KDA ceramic screws as military parts? *

If you push "OK" button , the download page will be opened.



陶瓷工厂 Ceramic Factory (KDA股份公司)  地址:日本国东京都大田区仲六乡4-2-1
TEL +81-(0)3-3733-3851 FAX 3853 [地图]